Recovery Support Services (RSS)

Recovery Support Services (RSS): Central Plains Center’s RSS program became operational in May 2014 after being selected for funding by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). The RSS program offers a wide array of non-clinical services and supports to help individuals initiate and maintain recovery from alcohol and other drug use problems. Services include peer-run groups; training around basic life skills such as financial management, parenting, and stress management; educational support; recovery check-ups; and assertive connections to mutual aid support groups and employment. One of the key elements of this program is the recruitment and utilization of trained Peer Recovery Coaches.
Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist (Recovery Coaches are individuals with robust, long-term recovery who use their experience to provide strength based support for persons seeking recovery (or who are in early recovery) from addiction and/or substance misuse. They do not offer primary treatment – they help individuals work on life goals, build community support, and improve their life while preventing relapse.
Support Services Provided
- Individual Planning & Support
- Peer Support Groups
- Education
- Advocacy
- Community Involvement Opportunities
- Special Recovery Events
- Practical Help (i.e., help finding employment, housing, transportation, clinical/treatment services)
Current evidence suggests that peer support and coaching:
- Increases hope, quality of life and satisfaction with life.
- Increases rates of family unification.
- Increases time in the community and number of quality relationships.
- Improves social functioning.
- Reduces substance use and substance use reoccurrence.
- Reduces depression and demoralization.
- Improves chances for long-term recovery.
- Reduces the use of acute services.
- Increases engagement in outpatient treatment, care planning and self-care.